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WV Trying to Lower Deer/ Vehicle Collisions

West Virginia is a state that often has a problem with drivers hitting animals such as deer and moose. During the winter months, it gets dark much earlier which is why these collisions often occur. One reason behind the number of accidents is that deer and other wildlife have limited habitats and find it hard to find food. They often wander into the road and are afraid of headlights so they often freeze and drivers who are unaware of their presence often end up hitting the animals and killing them.
This can cause a lot of damage to the vehicle, especially the front end which takes the brunt of the overall impact. The state is going to get a grant to study ways that they can create so that the number of collisions with animals can decrease.
It is important for drivers who live in this state and others with high deer and moose populations to consider buying comprehensive automobile insurance coverage. The number of deer and vehicle collisions totals more than one million each year. This number will most likely grow in the coming years.
In many cases, these automobile collisions result in billions of dollars and damages and even some fatalities. More needs to be done to try to reduce the number of collisions that occur.
If you are involved in this type of collision then the only type of auto insurance coverage that will cover all of the damages is comprehensive insurance coverage. This coverage is optional and many drivers currently do not have it. It is not very expensive and in states such as West Virginia, Texas, and Pennsylvania. In most places you will pay $133 to $167 for this type of auto insurance coverage which is very reasonable.
State Farm has given the state a grant of $50,000 to conduct the study. Hopefully, it will yield enough information so that the number of collisions drops. Drivers need to be especially vigilant when they drive in secluded areas. Always have your headlights on at all times and make sure to watch in front of you for any animals.

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