Get the Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes in Indiana

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Average Cost for Car Insurance in Indiana

  • Indiana state minimum liability on average is $72 a month or $864 a year. Full coverage would cost around $255 a month or $3,062 a year.

CheapCarInsurance pulls cost data from recent real time auto policy quotes across the state. Data is based on a driver profile of a single person with a clean driving record that is middle aged and drives a modern vehicle. 

Indiana skyline

Cheapest Indiana Car Insurance Companies

See our comparison data of cheap auto insurance providers and policy rates for state minimum liability and full coverage here:

Insurance Provider:State Minimum:Monthly:Full Coverage:Monthly:
State Farm$702$58$2,300$192
Auto-Owners Insurance$1,029$86$3,771$314
United Farm Family$1,052$88$3,654$305

Compare auto insurance costs for popular cities in Indiana below for state minimum and full coverage policy rates:

Average Car Insurance Costs for Indiana by County & Vehicle Type

Indiana, the 19th state, is home to world-class sports events such as the Indianapolis 500, the 400 Brickyard, Formula One, the RCA Tennis Championships, NFL, NBA and NHL teams. Needless to say, Indiana residents and tourists can always find something to do. Sometimes known as “The Crossroads of America”, Indiana’s waterways, train stations and railroads are some of the best in the U.S. Drivers can find attractions year-round across the state. reports that the state’s auto insurance premiums have been consistently below the national average, and reflect the national average cycles accurately. Here is what you can expect to pay for car insurance throughout the state of Indiana based on vehicle type and your current city:

Costs by County:Sedan:SUV:Coupe:Truck:Hybrid:

Minimum Requirements for Car Insurance in Indiana

New Driver License Requirements

DUI & DWI Laws

Increased fines, extended imprisonment and permanent loss of driving penalties occur for additional offenses.

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