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What Every Driver Needs To Know After They Have Been In A Collision

It is very likely that most drivers will be involved in at least one car accident in their lifetime. It is important for drivers to understand what happens after a car accident takes place.
The first thing to understand is that a police report needs to be filed every time a car accident occurs. This helps to provide photographic and witness information about every accident. Claims adjusters will need this information to process the insurance claim.
The second thing to know is that the police do not make a determination of fault at the accident scene. This is done by a claims adjuster. Many drivers think that the person who is at fault will automatically be told at the scene but that is just a myth.
Next, keep in mind that you should call your car insurance company to report that an accident has occurred. You do not have to meet in person with the claims adjuster right away. You can wait a few days to make your official statement about what transpired during the car accident. This can really help people who are injured or who have been shaken up by the car accident.
The fourth thing to know is that your car will not be fixed if you have liability only car insurance coverage if you were at fault for the accident. Many drivers think that their insurance coverage will repair their car no matter what but this is not always what happens. It is important for drivers to know what type of car insurance coverage they have so that they know what it covers and what it does not.
The fifth thing to know is that your car insurance coverage cannot be cancelled just for making an insurance claim. Some people are afraid to file an insurance claim because they fear that their insurance will be canceled.
Another fear is that their car insurance premiums will skyrocket. If a driver was not at fault for an accident then these two scenarios are highly unlikely. However, if a driver was impaired by drugs or alcohol or was driving recklessly then they will probably have their car insurance coverage cancelled due to their behavior behind the wheel.
The sixth thing to know is that if you are incurring medical bills and lost wages then you should consider contacting a lawyer for help. In some situations, people who have been involved in car accidents should seek legal advice. Car insurance companies can be difficult to deal with when trying to collect compensation for medical payments and lost wages. Some people avoid contacting a lawyer because they feel that it is too expensive for them. It is always a good idea to at least get a free consultation to know what your options are.

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