The contribution that diesel fuels have made to greenhouse gasses is undeniable. As man continues to depend upon fossil fuels for energy and transportation, concerned scientists and consumers are seeking alternative options. Green cars are an important way that consumers can reduce their carbon footprint and choose fuel sources that are cleaner, sustainable, and renewable. There are several ways that scientists have designed methods to help combat the problem. Some popular environmentally friendly vehicles include hybrid cars, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, battery electric, and vehicles that use clean energy. Popular diesel alternatives include vegetable oil and biodiesel. By choosing these options, consumers can reduce their contributions to greenhouse gasses and help protect the environment.
Going Green with Cars
Green vehicles are cars that are environmentally friendly due to the fuel that is used to power the car. There are different fuel solutions that can be used to ensure the vehicle has the power needed, all without emitting the level of harmful chemicals found in most diesel fuels. Fuels consist of diesel, gasoline, and those classified as alternative. These often include any material other than fuels such as propane, coal, natural gas, or oil (petroleum).
Hybrids and Plug-Ins
Hybrid vehicles are described as those that use two or more power sources. The most common types of hybrid vehicles are those that use an internal combustion engine combined with electricity. Some other popular green car is a plug in or electric vehicles. Plug in hybrids may use both gas and electricity, providing more options while at the same time, reducing the amount of dangerous fuel emissions. Those who use plug in hybrid vehicles for local driving may find they never need to purchase gasoline and can perform all their driving from their electric charge.
Biodiesel may best be defined as an alternative fuel source that is produced from a renewable resource and burns clean. As greenhouse gasses contribute to global warming, more consumers are looking for safe, fuel alternatives that are better for the environment. Though biodiesel may be formulated from vegetable or animal based fats, it is often treated with alcohol to make it industry standard. This varies from straight vegetable oil and the two should not be confused.
Vegetable Oil Fuel
Diesel fuel is one of the most damaging to earth’s atmosphere and scientists are currently seeking newer, cleaner alternative fuel methods to replace petroleum based fuel sources. Vegetable oil fuel is an alternative fuel that has shown great use as an acceptable fuel source. Biodiesel fuel is composed of vegetable oil; however, it is separate from vegetable oil fuel. Vegetable oil fuel may be pure plant (PPO), used straight and without any additives (SVO), or it may be vegetable oil that has been discarded from a company, such as a restaurant. Discarded vegetable oil is referred to as waste vegetable oil (WVO). Scientists and engineers continue to explore the best methods for utilizing vegetable oil fuel.
Green Car Facts
Hybrid and other green cars can produce up to 90% less harmful emissions and pollutants than standard diesel vehicles. The United States government, in an effort to encourage consumers to purchase more green vehicles, has designed a rating system. Consumers may compare cars and determine how much miles per gallon each receives. Additionally, those who purchase hybrid and environmentally friendly vehicles may be eligible for a tax deduction. An estimated one commuter spends approximately 62 hours of traffic per year. Considering that you can eliminate up to 90% of pollutants by switching to a green car, you can help save the environment in an effective and efficient manner.
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